Since Friday, I have been eating all weekend long. My junk intake definitely skyrocketed but it was all worth it! Thank you to the lovely and wonderful people in my life. You guys have made this weekend the most awesome weekend of the year! ^_^
My pre-celebrations began with a Friday afternoon tea and wonderful pressies (which I will upload in a later post). And you cannot have an afternoon tea without saying hello to…
The Friday evening food binge began at the Twilight Hawker Festival…
I did get to eat proper macarons though…
The celebrations continued on Saturday with a dose authentic Indian curry from Mela!The yummiest chicken briyani in Perth!
Yummy curried potatoes inside my dosa. I should have ordered another one. *reminisces*

My casual visit to a friend's house for afternoon tea turned into a surprise - with a special cheesecake, singing, making wishes and blowing the candle. ^_^**********
Post celebrations began with the best Sunday suprise!
I look back over the years now, and I realise yes, I am grateful and very blessed. =)
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