Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spoilt by authenticity

For awhile now, I've been receiving *subtle* hints about not meeting deadlines and not updating. So, here's just a 'taster' of what I've been up to. [Note: there's more to come, I promise!]

I've been so spoilt lately, be it at home or at work. On two separate occasions, my colleague gave me these amazing (and so very delicious, might I add) homemade delicacies to try. (I'm actually quite disappointed that my photos could not capture the deliciousness of these authentic Asian snacks.)
This 'chwee kueh' topped with salty 'chai po' (i.e. steamed rice cake with preserved radish) was my surprise breakfast that morning. She even warmed it up for me!

My second surprise. A slice of yummy tapioca cake for that very much needed afternoon sugar hit in the office.

Yes, I am so lucky. ^_^

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