Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My anal bits

And if you're thinking about a different definition of anal, you are so wrong.

This post wouldn't be a review or a recipe. It would be on ... My 'anal retentive' habits on food.

Such 'anal' personality will lead to a person's effort for control: orderliness, stubbornness and a compulsion for control.

As I was walking home after work, I gave it some thought- I get way upset when the following things happen to my food. So my three anal habits include:

1) I hate my fruits bruised, often it happens to my pears.
2) I hate my egg yolks to break. My friend once had to fry eggs three (or four, I can't remember) times to serve me the perfect sunny side up.
3) I hate ppl who presses down my rice when serving them. I like them perfect looking. So if I was served rice with its perfect bowl mould, I like them that way. The rice has to stay ''tall" throughout my meal, even as I spoon and eat them.

What led to this post? I had my pear bruised this morning =(

1 comment:

  1. I shall remember not to attempt making any breakfast for your next week. I'll book us a buffet breakfast instead... ^_^

