Monday, October 3, 2011

I *heart* pink #1

Now, we are talking pink!

It is just days into October and I have been reading lots on other people's efforts to raise awareness through food. Pink icing, pink fairybread, pink jelly...the list goes on. I thought it would be interesting to justify my version of 'pink' because there really isn't much from the picture, is there?

Pink is often associated to girls, but I was never the girl who loved wearing pink on every single clothing she owned. However, I was one of those many girls who loves their sweets. I might not have grew up with loads in my life but I do adore them. The simple equation, therefore, justify my choice of pink:

Pink = Girls = Sweets!

So on my platter is a cupcake, an apple pie and a chocolate macadamian brownie. These were all home-made from some amazing mums who contributed to their children's kindy. Despite cupcake possibly looking like the highlight of pink and all, I know I am capable of making better cupcakes. However, the chocolate macadamia brownie was to die for!!! Chunks of chocolate and macadamia bits for only 50 cents. I wished I bought the whole tray. The apple pie was a good buy too, although it was missing the spices in it. As mentioned, they were made by kindy mums and I bought it from a kindy fair. There is a possibility of least spices to appeal to the young ones. It is the effort behind it all that counts [besides raising as much money as possible for the kindy!].

Obviously,I have been thinking P.I.N.K, have you?

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